Video Shorts

Watch 5-7 minute videos on Ronda's YouTube channel where you can see Ronda in action and also hear fellow Media Specialists, Principals and Educators share their experience hosting an R. Friend Author Visit program. Also towards the bottom of this page are two videos of Ronda and students singing during her Family Night presentatiions.

Ronda's own YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel

See Ronda perform during her Character-based assembly program and Family Nights.  You can also hear Educators from all over the country share their school experience hosting an R. Friend author visit program both in her half-day and full-day program which she has presented to over 800 shcools in 22 states. 

Watch Ronda onTeacherTube


Depending on your YouTube accessibility at school, Ronda also has some videos posted at TeacherTube.  If possible YouTube will be a faster experience with more options especially on Ronda's own YouTube channel.

Kids singing during Family Night

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All of Ronda Friend's books have their Accelerated Reading, Scholastic Reading Counts,Lexile, and Book Taco ratings.


Teachers - please remember there are a lot of parents and families of your community that are thankful for your investments into the lives of their children and communities.  In some cases you did perform miracles!

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© Ronda Friend