North Carolina Schools

Audrey-Garrett Elementary, Mebane
Bethlehem Elementary, Taylorsville
Brightwood Elementary, Greensboro
Cash Elementary, Kernersville
Claremont Elementary, Claremont
Cornelius Elementary, Cornelius
Garrett Elementary, Mebane
Haw River Elementary, Haw River
Jefferson Elementary, Greensboro
Jessie Wharton Elementary, Greensboro
JV Washam Elementary, Cornelius
Level Cross Elementary, Randleman
Mallard Creek Elementary, Charlotte
Morehead Elementary, Charlotte
Newlin Elementary, Burlington
Oxford Elementary, Claremont
Taylorsville Elementary, Taylorsville

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All of Ronda Friend's books have their Accelerated Reading, Scholastic Reading Counts,Lexile, and Book Taco ratings.


Teachers - please remember there are a lot of parents and families of your community that are thankful for your investments into the lives of their children and communities.  In some cases you did perform miracles!

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© Ronda Friend